What we do
Through the year we provide events to love and serve our villages.
What we do
Our vision is: “to grow the Christian presence within our communities through friendship, involvement in local activities, collaboration with other churches, and by offering opportunities of worship, prayer and discussion for people of all ages”.
Home Groups
Our Home Groups come together to grow in faith through sharing bible studies, prayer and pastoral care – and of course for fellowship and refreshment too!
Around 80 people meet regularly in Groups (for men, women and mixed groups, meeting on different days of the week and at different times of day). So there’s a great variety to choose from and all Groups welcome new members.
We hold regular meetings for Home Group leaders to share news, ideas for courses, feedback on studies, and plans for the Alpha courses. And we get together for a meeting of all the Groups twice a year at the Church Centre.
If you are interested in joining one of our Home Groups or would like further details please contact Gill Evans (01926 842690 or leycroft@btinternet.com)
We have been running Alpha Courses and the like for 30 years - these are a great way for people to come together to discuss and explore ‘the meaning of life’ in a relaxed and friendly setting.
Evenings begin with fellowship over a good supper, then a talk or video on an aspect of the Christian life, followed by discussions in small groups.
In 2024, the Alpha Course was attended by around 40 people – and two new Home Groups formed and are carrying on meeting together.
In February 2025, we started another Alpha Course with another great attendance. It’s not too late to join - see the Home page for details!
Our communities and schools
Claverdon and Wootton Wawen each has a population of around 1400. Preston Bagot is a small farming hamlet. Two church pastoral teams seek to address situations of need appropriately, prayerfully and confidentially.
Each with a roll of around 170-190, Wootton Wawen Church of England Primary School and Claverdon Primary School have close links with their respective parish churches, not least through their Boards of Governors, but also through assemblies, curriculum-linked projects and termly visits to church. Noah’s Story Box visits Wootton Wawen and Claverdon Reception classes.
Both Wootton and Claverdon are lucky in having a good selection of pubs and shops: each has a Post Office. When the Claverdon newsagents closed down in 2007, a Community Shop was launched, managed and run by volunteers, including many church members. The shop has become a lively focus of the village.
Children and young people
Since 2018 Claverdon PCC has employed a youth and families worker. Our newly appointed youth worker, Zara Yousaf, has a particular focus on building up our youth club for secondary school aged youngters. Volunteers also help run a very successful baby and toddlers group, and Messy church activities.
We also have excellent links with the two pre-schools / nurseries in Claverdon. There are termly visits from the Noah’s Story Box team with special events at all the major Festivals.
To find out more about activities for young people and children please see our Family Ministry page.
Hoping to get married at one of our churches?
Congratulations on your engagement!
The link below will take you to lots of information you will find useful in planning your wedding. It also contains forms which you will need to complete to begin the process. Once you have completed the forms as far as possible, email them to the Parish Office: churchesofardenoffice@gmail.com. You will then be contacted to come and meet us.
Churches of Arden Wedding Pack
For further advice and good ideas on getting married in church take a look at:
If you have any queries please contact Barbara Lord in our Parish Office by email: churchesofardenoffice@gmail.com or by telephone 01926 840100 (please leave a message).
Baptisms (Christenings)
Wanting your child to be baptised?
We would love to be part of your family celebration!
Baptism is just about the most important thing which happens in our churches, because in this simple service we welcome new members into our Christian community. If you don’t feel quite ready for that yet, you can opt for a little ceremony called ‘thanksgiving for the birth of a child’.
In preparation for baptism, you will receive visits from one of the clergy and from a layperson with links to our young families’ programme. We expect the baptism to mark the beginning of a fruitful and enjoyable association between our church family and your own.
Click HERE for a video which explains a little more about baptism.
Baptisms are usually held on a Sunday at a mutally convenient time for the church, clergy and the family.
To arrange a baptism, please contact Barbara Lord in our Parish Office at churchesofardenoffice@gmail.com or telephone 01926 840100.