Claverdon Church
Meeting on Sundays and in homes through out the week
Serving the village of Claverdon for over 500 years
We are a community of people that are learning to love God and live Jesus-centred lives. Together we meet on Sundays and throughout the week in homes.
Our heritage
Claverdon church, dedicated to St Michael and All Angels, has a striking 15th-century tower which stands prominently on its escarpment. The remainder of the church is mainly a 19th-century rebuild (in fact it was almost completely rebuilt twice!), with some older features incorporated.
In the Chancel on one side there’s the notable alabaster tomb of Thomas Spencer of Althorpe (died 1630, and an ancestor of Diana, the late Princess of Wales), while on the other is a memorial to the Victorian scientist and polymath Sir Francis Galton FRS (died 1911) who is buried in the churchyard.
Claverdon church is a much loved and well-used community church, an oasis of peace for villagers and visitors alike.
Churchyards and Family trees
For information on our churchyards and how to access your family tree please click here.
Sunday services
We hold a service in Claverdon every Sunday - please see the link on our home page for details.
You’re very welcome to join us!
The typical monthly rhythm of services is below, but some months are different - so please check!
1st Sunday - Family Service
2nd Sunday - Holy Communion
3rd Sunday - Bible Cafe in the Church Centre
4th Sunday - Holy Communion
The church is open daily 8am - 8pm for visitors and private prayer.
Home Groups
Home Groups in Claverdon meet throughout the week – there are 8 to choose from and all welcome new members! They come together for teaching, support and prayer – and fellowship is very important too (lunches, barbecues, curry nights…) as, in friendship and community, we make our way in the Christian life.
We all get together regularly too and in recent times have met (along with other members of the congregation) for a shared bible study and evenings on ‘spirituality’ and ‘the way of the cross’.
Youth & Family Ministry
We run a Baby and Toddler Group every Monday in term time at the DM Hall and have strong links with the two nurseries in the village and the Reception Class, through the Noah’s Story Box Team. Claverdon School visits the church for services regularly.
There are very popular Messy Church events at Christmas and Easter and during the year.
On Thursday evenings at the Church Centre our Youth Worker leads CYC (Claverdon Youth Club) for Year 7s and above.
Music, choir and bells
Music in many forms plays an important role in the life of Claverdon Church.
Our church has a delightful two-manual organ by Nicholson of Worcester, and a keyboard for more modern worship.
Our 20-strong choir sings for the main festivals and other special occasions, with the Christmas carol service being a highlight.
Recently the Claverdon ‘West Gallery’ Band has come together - a collection of 10 or so musicians playing hymns and other music from the 18th century to the present day. They play a wide variety of instruments - flutes, recorders, violins, mandolin, trombone, euphonium and double bass!
In the tower there is a well-maintained ring of 6 bells, cast in 1830. We have an enthusiastic band of around 12 ringers, who ring the bells faithfully every Sunday and practise on Fridays.