Loving God and loving others
About us
Welcome to the churches of Claverdon, Wootton Wawen, Preston Bagot and Aston Cantlow, four parishes all within a few miles from Stratford-upon-Avon in South Warwickshire.
There is always a lot going on here - look around our website - and better still come and visit us in person!
Our Vision
Our vision is: “to grow the Christian presence within our communities through friendship, involvement in local activities, collaboration with other churches, and by offering opportunities of worship, prayer and discussion for people of all ages”.
Our priorities for ministry currently revolve around:
Our communities and schools
Our Team
Priest in Charge: Vacancy from January 2024
Reverend James Holden, Associate Minister
James was ordained in 2016 after a career in PR and marketing. He serves in the Diocese as Bishop’s Officer to Business Leaders and is Chaplain at Warwick Independent Schools Foundation.
During our vacancy he is involved in parish duties throughout the Churches of Arden as time permits.
James is married to Laura and has a passion for God’s creation.
Reverend Phil Hanson, non-stipendiary Minister
Phil was ordained in 2012 after a career in engineering and business. As well as being involved in leading worship, he has a particular interest in how Christians can express their faith in their work and how businesses can make the world a better place. He is also energised by helping to the run the regular Alpha courses.
Norrie Moore
Norrie is licensed as a Lay Minister and lives in Wootton Wawen. She leads services in both St. Peter’s Church and All Saints, Preston Bagot, is involved with St. Peter’s pastoral team and regularly volunteers in Claverdon’s Community Shop.
Zara Yousaf
Claverdon’s newly appointed youth worker, Zara, has a particular focus on building up our youth club for secondary school aged youngsters.
Barbara Lord, parish administrator for the Churches of Arden
Barbara has worked in the parish office, based in Claverdon Church Centre, since 2017, coming from a background in administration. She enjoys the variety the role offers which includes supporting people through life events, and being part of an office team.
The churchwardens of our four parishes are:
Claverdon - Jonathan Evans
Preston Bagot - Hugh Carslake and Maggie Duke
Wootton Wawen - John Wilkinson
Aston Cantlow - Sue Kershaw and Sandra Williams
We are blessed to have very many teams within the four parishes who work to support the ministry and life of our churches and communities, including:
PCCs; safeguarding officers; children’s ministry teams; pastoral care groups; lay service leaders; home group leaders; mission and giving groups; fabric teams; choirs and musicians; bellringers; churchyard teams; Church Centre team and many more.
Our four churches have their own traditions and priorities, but we gladly journey together towards our vision of growing the Christian presence in our communities. The churchwardens and other leaders regularly meet to discuss and coordinate our plans. Every fifth Sunday our congregations come together for a joint service.
If you have any questions or would learn how to get more involved contact Barbara Lord, the Parish Administrator at churchesofardenoffice@gmail.com or 01926 840100 (Please leave a message)